Jay and his donor's parents. Their daughter donated her kidney to Jay 8yrs ago today. The LOPA staff gavethis big benefit for all the donors and recipient of tranplants at the Alligator Bayou. We really had a lot of fun and enjoyed visting with family and friends.
Brianna's face was painted with a Cupcake on one side and the other with LSU
Madilyn's ladybug painting this was the first thing they both had to do when we arrived was to get their face painted.
Madilyn and Brianna posing for the picture being silly
Madilyn, Me, & Brianna as you can tell I was the only one smiling for the picture
Aunt Loretta Swafford & Mom
Brianna, Madilyn, & Miki Swafford cousin
Brianna and Me Me before the boat took off for the tour
Madilyn and Me before the boat took off for the swamp
Muskrat that was passed around
Brianna petting the snake. She is the one I thought would be scared of everything and she wasn't she touched every animal they passed around.
Madilyn petting a snake she wasn't scared
Before the boat left Aunt Loretta and Jay told the girls on the boat that I love snakes and I like to hold them. I told the man no indeed. I use to when I was little I would always tell Keri that I wanted a pet snake just to scare her but, I was always joking about it. I can't stand them.
This is how big the alligator was it never even tried to open it mouth.
Madilyn, Brianna, and Me Me while passing the alligator around for everyone to pet. The girls really enjoyed the ride.
Our boat ride in the swamp and they brought out real animals. This was the biggest of them all and Madilyn or Brianna was not afraid of this real alligator.
Baby alligators
Brianna, Madilyn and Me Me looking at the little gators
Brianna, Madilyn and Me looking at the baby alligators
They had some BIG Alligators
Alligator bayou tour
Madilyn and Brianna
Brianna was posing for her picture
Madilyn acting like she is trying to stop the alligator. This was a fake one.
Madilyn had a choice of two things to do for the project. The 1st was either a Rainbow or the other was to make a Leprechaun Trap. Well you can see what she choose and said if we needed help to just go on the internet and it would tell us all about how to make it. We had fun making this project.
We all helped out on the project Brianna helped with the gold glitter and Madilyn glued alot of gold coins and Mom did alot of the helping decorate pieces that were alittle harder to due by herself.
This was a family project so her dad help by getting popsickles so we could use the stick to hold up the rainbow. This was her dad's favorite part he got to eatem.
Here is a picture of all Kindergarten classes that attended. Now off to her BBQ Picnic. Boy were we all hungry.
The best picture was for last. Madilyn and Mom holding the baby alligator. Mom really enjoyed her day off to spend with Madilyn on her field trip. Isn't this the best day ever.
The teacher Mrs. Hill and some of her class taking a picture while she holds the alligator.
Madilyn holding the baby alligator with a rubber band around its mouth.
Madilyn and her friends thought that little alligator was going to get them.
The best for last was the baby alligator.
Here are all the different animals fur. Deer, Racoon, Fox, Muskrat, etc.
Fox fur
Racoon fur
They got to touch each of the different animals fur.
White tail deer
Our last stop. It was to show all the kids the different animals in the woods and their fur.
Madilyn touching a really big fish. It really smelled like fish it was bad and slimey.
Brian and I were married April 28,2001 at St. Isidore Catholic Church. We live in Zachary, Louisiana where we have two beautiful daughters. Madilyn Marie David born July 31,2003 and Brianna Lee David born August 10,2004. I am currently working as a Substitute Teacher and a Bust Aide since 2010. Was with the Cable Company for 14 years (1996-2010)and decided it was time for a change in life. Brian is currently still employed as a Estimator and a Project Manager with a Contractor Company since 2001.