This is Mrs. Eulo the hear an appaired teacher with Brianna's classmate Kerry which is deaf. The fireman told him to go the front of truck and put his hand on bumper so he could feel the horn blow. This was neat.
Zachary Fire Fighter came to the Pre-k to show the kids what they do to keep them safe and help them in need of a fire.
The kids were okay with the picture wants he was all dressed
When the fire fighter was showing all the kids what they all had to wear to keep them safe and wouldn't get burnt while in the need of a fire. I never seen so many kids scared to death when this guy was getting dressed they were crying and, trying to get a way from him.
This was the part when they were blowing the horn for the kids to hear. This was really loud.
Brianna after they finished with field trip the Fire Fighters gave all the children hats and pencils.
This is Brianna's Pre-k classmates group picture. The aid Mrs. Rebecca and teacher Ms. Dennis