They had to get a stump out of yard to put in hole to get the big double wheel truck out of hole. Those big bucket trucks weigh alot. Brian was mad at first but, the end result was we were getting our power back and, we could care less of the yard at that time. The power company end up delivering dirt and filled in all holes and spots that they tore up in yard.

They tore the yard us the ground was so soft that they had got stuck.

The best for last was when the power company came to fix the pole in back pasture they had to deliver a new utility pole.

This is from the front of the house of the yard and the mess we had to start cleaning.

This is what cost us to be out for the longest was the back pole that is in our back pasture broke when a tree fell on the line in between our pasture and our neighbors. A big tree fell on line and caused the pole to snap in half. This was the longest we had ever been out of power was 7days.

Lost a good bit of limbs which that is all pecan trees are good far. Any strong winds or rain they just break.

Here are the pictures of what our place looked like after the storm in September. We lost a couple of our pecan trees and some up rooted as you can see.